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About Cathedral Answering

Did you know 25% of customer phone calls occur after hours?
What business are you missing?

Increase revenue and customer satisfaction with Cathedral answering your calls.

Who We Are

Located in Pittsburgh, PA, we work with business and medical professionals to answer their calls and provide better customer service. Cathedral has the experience and technology to answer your calls.  When you forward to Cathedral, you can trust your calls are being answered by trained live agents with HIPAA Certification.

Why Us?

We know the answering service industry and your industry.  With more than 45 years of experience, Cathedral knows how to answer your customers calls as a representation of your company.   With hundreds of companies and medical practices forwarding their calls to us daily, you can trust that we have your calls not just answered, but handled professionally.

Meet Our Team

Customer Service Team

We answer your calls and deliver your messages all day, every day.

Account Management

We customize your account and assist in a seamless experience.


We keep the technology running, so your calls stay answered.

Executive Team

We look to stay on top of trends and answering solutions.

See what our customers say.

“Our overflow and after hours calls go to Cathedral. I don’t just love the convenience of having Cathedral as our answering service, but I also appreciate their professionalism and that we can always depend on them.”

Leslie Office Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional questions? Head here: frequently asked questions.